After a long and considerably chilly winter, the sight of refreshing greens and gorgeous hues as the plants and flowers that decorate our communities spring into bloom is certainly a welcome one. Around this time, we here at Atlas Painting & Restorations Ltd. are at our busiest, as the good people of Greater Vancouver plan their renovation activities for the upcoming summer months. These projects are broad in terms of scope and depth, and can range from simply power washing a driveway to completely re-constructing one’s property in order to appeal to buyers. Dealing with all of the specifications required in order to make sure one’s springtime restoration can be an arduous task, however. Trying to remember all of the things that need maintenance is something that can stump even the most experienced of homeowners, effectively hindering a project’s completion time. Fortunately, we have compiled a list of some of the things that one should be aware of when assessing their own property.
- Landscaping Gone Wild: While most trees lose their foliage and are effectively hindered from growing during the winter, many bushes and shrubs do not experience these detrimental seasonal changes. In fact, a number of common outdoor plants will continue to flourish throughout the cold months. This can lead to branches brushing up against your home, cutting into siding, scraping paint, and being generally disruptive during windy days. Anyone’s spring restoration project should start off with assessing and possibly removing these nuisances, as their elimination can help reveal damaged sections of property that will need to be addressed as well.
- Follow Your Gut(ter): Clogged gutters can pose a series of troubling issues, even once the rainy season is over. Don’t forget to clean out your gutters, as interior leaks, vermin infestations, and foundational damage can occur as a result of neglect.
- Rotten Wood= Not Good: As many homes in Vancouver have been built using local timber, keeping an eye out for rotting materials is something which every homeowner should consider once the ice and snow wears away. Decks, fences, and clapboards are all things that can experience significant deterioration in a small period of time, and thus should be examined and replaced as soon as possible.
- Say ‘No’ To Dirty Siding: The prevalence of moisture in the air is something that leads to the growth of unsightly mildew and mold along plastic siding. This is best removed so as to preserve exterior coatings, which can be steadily worn away by these organisms. Luckily, Atlas provides a premium power washing service that is able to tackle even the most neglected of properties.
- Mingle With Shingles: Shingle maintenance is one of the easiest things to put off, especially when considering the inaccessibility of many properties’ roofs. Failing to replace broken or rotting shingles can cause a number of serious issues, even leading to irreparable structural damage in extreme cases. Localizing and repairing damaged sections is a vital task that every homeowner should address. We typically recommend calling professionals in order to deal with such problems (due to obvious safety concerns).
With the weather this gorgeous, there is no reason that your property shouldn’t look fantastic as well. We hope that our loyal readers and clients are able to use these points as a springboard from which to launch their seasonal restoration projects. If you are seeking advice or assistance from one of the most highly trained groups of specialized restoration experts that Vancouver has to offer, then look no further, Atlas’ team is only a phone call away.